So Very Sorry!
i was looking around friendster and i saw someone account wrote this under about me....
"hatE SMOKERS!I wOuld likE tO livE in aN anTi-SOMKING wOrld!Onli STUPID pEoplE smOkE! thEy nOt Onli duN thiNk Of thEmsElf bUt thEy osO duN thiNk Of pEoplE arOuNd thEm!thEy waNt tO diE thaN hidE at a placE aNd diE [smOkE] lahZ.. ass hoLe LehZ! wE Breadth iN thE smOkE thaT thEy puFf Out thaN wE diE EarliEr thaN thEm lOr! thEy arE alL BRAINLESS ANIMALS! hahaz..[mi waNt tO saE a vEri sOrry tO EveryOne! sOrry fOr sayiNg this thiNgs buT i rEally hatE it LoR!]( this part i copied and pasted)" if the person see this i very sorry but i still got comments. Before you really say the above please think first.... we smokers are being kept in the f***ing yellow box(if you don't understand please refer to my previous posts)and is so away from you non-smokers... bus stop, hawker centres, coffee shops and all the shit ok..... if you don't want to breadth in the smoke then f***king get lost from us and if you want to live in an anti-smoking world unless you are the government if not i don't know how you going to do it maybe you got your ways i don't know..... IF I HAD OFFENDED ANYONE IN ANYWAY OR WHATSOEVER IN THE BLOG I AM SO DEEPLY SORRY! IS BECAUSE I ONLY HAVE SOME COMMENTS SORRY.....!
i was looking around friendster and i saw someone account wrote this under about me....
"hatE SMOKERS!I wOuld likE tO livE in aN anTi-SOMKING wOrld!Onli STUPID pEoplE smOkE! thEy nOt Onli duN thiNk Of thEmsElf bUt thEy osO duN thiNk Of pEoplE arOuNd thEm!thEy waNt tO diE thaN hidE at a placE aNd diE [smOkE] lahZ.. ass hoLe LehZ! wE Breadth iN thE smOkE thaT thEy puFf Out thaN wE diE EarliEr thaN thEm lOr! thEy arE alL BRAINLESS ANIMALS! hahaz..[mi waNt tO saE a vEri sOrry tO EveryOne! sOrry fOr sayiNg this thiNgs buT i rEally hatE it LoR!]( this part i copied and pasted)" if the person see this i very sorry but i still got comments. Before you really say the above please think first.... we smokers are being kept in the f***ing yellow box(if you don't understand please refer to my previous posts)and is so away from you non-smokers... bus stop, hawker centres, coffee shops and all the shit ok..... if you don't want to breadth in the smoke then f***king get lost from us and if you want to live in an anti-smoking world unless you are the government if not i don't know how you going to do it maybe you got your ways i don't know..... IF I HAD OFFENDED ANYONE IN ANYWAY OR WHATSOEVER IN THE BLOG I AM SO DEEPLY SORRY! IS BECAUSE I ONLY HAVE SOME COMMENTS SORRY.....!
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